Bring Medical Care Virtually to Anyone Around the World with digiMed Mini

Dec 08, 2021

digiMed Mini is the streamlined telemedicine kit making remote medical care delivery easier and more cost-effective.

The demand for telemedicine has experienced significant growth in a variety of settings including home health care, rural areas, marine vessels, remote worksites and more. As a leader in telemedicine kits and service, DigiGone recognized this need and developed the digiMed Mini to bring medical care virtually to anyone around the world, wherever they are.


A Safe and Healthy Workforce

Small, lightweight and rugged, the digiMed Mini is essential for every vessel, aircraft, workplace and remote location. Its secure video capability and included tools allow for assessment of symptoms or injuries onsite, so crew or workers can be diagnosed more quickly.


The digiMed Mini offers immediate access to doctors 24/7, so workers can be evaluated, treated and monitored without the need for costly and time-consuming medical evacuations or diversions.


Works Where Others Can’t

Because it uses DigiGone’s award winning secure, ultra-low bandwidth communication software the digiMed Mini works reliably in remote, hard-to-reach environments including at sea, on oil rigs, and in isolated areas. The secure multi-party video calling capability allows for multiple medical specialists in different locations to collaborate simultaneously no matter where they are.

Cost Effective

The digiMed Mini contains essential tools needed to provide remote medical care to patients around the world, and it does so at an accessible price that fits into your budget. It can enhance workforce safety, making it a must have for Manufacturing Facilities, Oil Rigs, Commercial and Fishing Vessels, Yachts, Long-term Care Facilities and more.


Its affordable price and portable, easy-to-use design also make the digiMed Mini ideal for Home Health Care delivery, Fire Trucks, Ambulances, Long-term Care Facilities, Tertiary Medical Facilities and more. Plus, it’s system and provider agnostic so it works on any network without special equipment or dedicated broadband connectivity requirements.


The digiMed Mini is the cost-effective medical care access option that can help keep patients, customers and workforce safe and healthy, even in the most remote locations.

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