Repairing and Refitting Your Yacht: Florida is the Destination

Digigone • May 08, 2019
repairing and refitting your yacht

The County of St. Lucie, Florida recently announced a partnership with Derecktor Shipyards to operate a repair facility for mega-yachts called Derecktor Ft. Pierce (DFP), the first mega-yacht repair center in the United States.

Owners of vessels over 200 ft. are surely welcoming the news. Sailing vessels requiring huge overhead clearance have been until now very hard to service in the U.S., and all large yachts that draw water at a greater than average depth have also been serviced internationally. Yacht owners in Florida particularly are welcoming the news.

This new yard, slated to be open for business by 2020, will be the only one in the country fully capable of service and repair for the international mega sail fleet. The drydock is planned to accommodate yachts up to 4000 tons. Nearly every yacht owner in the country will now be able to have their vessel serviced domestically.

While your yacht is in drydock is a great time to consider other upgrades to improve the safety and comfort of your vessel. This may include renovation or redecorating, but you should also give consideration to the less-obvious improvements. Are you prepared for emergency situations? Outfitting the deck and interior berths with alarm systems and cameras where needed ensures that fires, leaks, hull damage or intruders can be caught early, keeping your guests and crew as safe as possible.

Medical emergencies should not be overlooked in your upgrading expenditure. No one wants to plan for an accident or injury, but they do happen. When the cost of an airlift or rerouting your yacht to make port at top speed can easily add up to the tens of thousands, the cost of outfitting your vessel with a telemedicine kit becomes a sure-bet investment. Recently, one of our clients experienced a medical emergency when they were only twelve hours into the maiden voyage of their brand new megayacht. Fortunately, the had our digi+Doc® telemedicineservice coverage and a diversion was avoided. Telemedicine services and kits offer the peace of mind of a doctor on-call, 24/7. If you’re travelling with elderly guests or young children, knowing that emergencies can be handled quickly, with expert care, makes everyone on board feel easier in their minds.


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